excelerator pump

Sanity Challenged expert_not at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 24 16:34:31 GMT 1998

This is the type of simple thing a PIC excells at.  A number of 
inexpensive PICS include comparators.  Depending on what you action you 
want, you could simply loop looking at the input from the pot, compare 
it to a previous input from the pot, and if the sign and number was 
right - set a discrete output that could be used by another device. The 
physical advantage is that a simple PIC with UVEPROM can be reprogamed 
whereas a collection of parts is more difficult. Remember that PICs are 
imbedded into even your $29 Pep Boys battery charger.

>From: "Martin Hill" <EAXMJHI at ean2.mecheng.nottingham.ac.uk>
>To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
>Date:          Wed, 24 Jun 1998 16:24:28 GMT0BST
>Subject:       Re: excelerator pump
>Reply-To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
>You could set up an op-amp as a differentiator and then send the 
>output to a comparator with the other comparator input coming from a 
>pot to select the point at which it comes active.
>> can someone come up with a circuit that will take the output from the
>> throttle position sensor (0-5v), and sense when it has been suddenly 
>> ie. if you open the throttle suddenly the output goes high...
>> to simulate the excelerator pump on a carb engine.
>> Matthew Harding
>> ---------------
>> reply to any of these....
>> mharding at qonline.com.au
>> bernie at ronscomputers.com.au
>> bernie at browse-cafe.com.au

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