excelerator pump

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Wed Jun 24 17:03:30 GMT 1998

Diodes my goodness, I've built this very same thing dozens if not
a hundred times, without them and it never worked with a s----.
See, just an extra moment and you saved a least me oddles of time.
714, right?.  .01 mfd  1N914's.  Just  asking cause it means hours of
work sayed if you already have some clues about where to start.
Don't need a final perfect design but just a hey start maybe with this.
  BTW, for a analog car dealy can we get by with the single source
power supplies?.  Or for the op-amp stuff do we need the extra
neg power supply?.
  Thanks Again
Bruce     Despite published reports the BBQ, and Propane incident
               here at CSH, HQ was less than 5 digits of damage, and no
               loss of life..  Well maybe a bunch of insects.

>> can someone come up with a circuit that will take the output from the
>> throttle position sensor (0-5v), and sense when it has been suddenly
>> ie. if you open the throttle suddenly the output goes high...
>use a comparator
>put the output of the TPS on 1 sense
>put the output of the TPS on the other sense with a capacitor that charges
>put diodes in both lines at the TPS to isolate them
>out a small resistor as a pull down on the cap
>when you tromp it the capacitor will take a while to charge up
>while there is a difference the output can be configured to be either
>logical 1/0 or a proportional value related to the difference which can be
>to control the amount of enrichment
>adjusting the capacitor size can control the amout of time that the
>is active
>additionally it can take a little time time to charge adding a starting
>enrichment for a brief time period
>adjusting the resistor can be used to control a decel enleanment circuit
>by allowing a -ve compare output sense while the cap discharges
>simple but elegant

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