not really EFI-related, regarding compression ratio reduction.

Raymond C Drouillard cosmic.ray at
Sat Jun 27 04:43:38 GMT 1998

D  = Displacement of cylinder = stroke * bore * bore * Pi / 4 = total
displacement of engine / number of cylinders

Pi = 3.1415926536 (approximately)

V  = Volume of combustion chamber

CR = Compression Ratio

CR = (D + V) / V = D / V + 1

If you don't know the combustion chamber volume, but you know the
compression ration and displacement rearrange the above equation to yield
the following:

V = D / (CR - 1)

Now that you know the displacement and origional combustion chamber
volume, apply the new volume to the equation.

I hope this helps

Ray Drouillard

On Thu, 25 Jun 1998 11:01:56 -0400 Ed <EdDSP at> writes:
>For X amt. of CC's increased in a combustion chamber, how many points 
>compression does this reduce? Or will such a formula not work?

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