nissan documentation?

Brian Monger Bru bru at
Tue Mar 3 09:50:18 GMT 1998

hi all, I have in my garage, a:

NIssan Z-18 turbo head, turbo, manifolds, injectors

a number of L series engine bottom ends

a CA20(E) efi computer, wiring harness, and sensors

the Z18 head will bolt onto an L-series bottom end - anybody know if
the efi from the CA20 will work with the L series /Z series engine 
hybrid? (the turbo worries me, the CA20 is non forced induction.

does anybody have or know where I can find a wiring diagram for the
CA20 fuel injection?  it's from a 1984 Nissan Gazelle, I don't have 
it with me but I can get numbers off the efi box if it will help

hope this isn't too much of a dumb newbie request


Brian  Monger                   |email:                  bru at
Acting Support Coordinator      |phone:           (w)  +61 (2) 95141394
Information Technology Division |fax:                          95141994
University Of Technology Sydney |office:                          1/917

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