Cone Shaped Hats (unrelated but i have a question)

Shannen Durphey shannen at
Tue Mar 10 05:10:39 GMT 1998

David wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shannen Durphey <shannen at>
> To: diy_efi at <diy_efi at>
> Date: Monday, March 09, 1998 9:21 AM
> Subject: Re: Cone Shaped Hats (unrelated but i have a question)
> |
> |
> |Alain Toussaint wrote:
> |
> |> > TIA  Bruce    He who has the most Cone Shaped Hats wins.
> |> >                    The difference between a man and a boy is the
> |> >                    price of his Cone Shaped Hats..
> |> >
> |> it seem that i've seen too much cone shaped hats on this list
> lately,could
> |> someone please explain me where and why it started ????
> |>
> |> Alain Toussaint (alaint at
> |
> |  It seems as though I have collected too many cone shaped hats.
> |
> |Cone shaped hats refer to the "Dunce" hats which teachers used to make the
> |kids wear for punishment for doing something something foolish.
> As I recall my history, it was stylish in the days of Abe Lincoln to wear
> Cone shaped hats all the time.  And he did.
> Until he came to the city and was too tall to fit through the doorways with
> the hat on.  Hence, he wore the stove bolt.
> |Bruce Plecan brought them the the list. Anyone who's wearing one has
> |volunteered. ; )
> |Shannen
> |
> |

Interesting.  Anyone willing to wear a cone shaped hat all day is worth looking
up to.  Honest, Abe.


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