SMD Work
Will Honea
whonea at
Sat Mar 14 05:48:03 GMT 1998
Addressed to: Sandy <sganz at>
diy_efi at
** Reply to note from Sandy <sganz at> Thu, 12 Mar 1998 20:35:22 MST
> good too would be one of those solder suckers, and/or solder wick for the blobs that could build. Not that
> bad, just getting my vision back after all the squiniting of parts. Oh, get extra parts if possible, as them
> small things get away pretty easy. A nice clean, white work area is required! Now the 332 would be a
> bit more difficult...
Two tips for handling those tiny leads. First, there are several brands of low melting point solder - it's
well worth looking for, usually found in major distributors catalogs. Second, try this when you get blobs
shorting the leads on the chips: Flow a BIG blob onto the leads then hold the board vertical so that the
blob is on the lower edge of the chip. Lay the soldering iron up against the blob and it will run down onto
the iron as it melts, pulling all the shorts with it - you just drag the blob off the leads.
Will Honea
whonea at
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