Crazy idea?

Bernie Jacobsen bcjac at
Sun Mar 22 17:55:07 GMT 1998


You 'hit the nail on the head' with your observations...

The Attributes you describe for batch inj. is what I'm experiencing and want
to improve.  It is starting to sound like SEFI is what I would LIKE, but
requires much more commitment than I have towards bettering my Bronco.

Got any ideas on how to improve a batch system?

BTW,  I also have quite a bit of problems with the intake manifold
'carboning up'.  The nasty stuff builds up until it holds the butterfly open
a little, allowing no more air to enter than normal idle, but skewing the
idle position sensor. This is a very frustrating problem, and a pain in the
butt to disassemble and scrape out.


>I'm not sure whether I was reading/remembering this right so, here is what
>gleaned from here/experience on the topic of SFI vs Batch:
>  * Worse Idle performance due to fuel puddling (little effect on hi
>air moves quickly)
>  * Can use smaller injectors (acceptable injection time is 100% of the
crank rev time)
>  * Easier? (I output but it has to be beefy)
>  * ONE uP output (for those running out of outputs and PWM counters)
>  * Better Idle performance
>  * Have to use bigger injectors (Tinj < 25% of Trev)
>  * More complex (just imagine if you got the time *completely* reversed)
>Note that the big/little injector might be a GoodThing (tm);  I was
>injecting a 600cc Honda
>bike motor, and the calculations came out to be *real small*, so I used SFI
>+ Methanol.  Nothin
>like changin your fuel when you can't find the parts ;)
>Aside:  During the competition, one of my drivers blew out.  I reprogrammed
>the thing to Batch
>mode and slaved the "dead" injector off a good one; I can fry 3 more
>before I hafta
>replace the board- built in fallback.
>-Thor Johnson

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