Whatza Table, Fuel-Timing, Maps, Tables

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Mon Mar 23 18:46:09 GMT 1998

The below is some what like a GM table might look like for a
90ish MAP ecm'd, V-8.  Timing is in degrees, with about 6 initial
fuel is VE..  100 K/Pa=1 atmos
            20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100 
 400    20-------------------------------------------
 800    20-------------------------------------------
1200   20  28  28  26  24  22  20  20  20
1600   25  33  33  29  27  25  23  21  20  
2000   30  36  36  32  28  26  24  22  20
2400   30  36  36  32  29  27  25  21  20
2800   30  36  36  32  29  27  25  21  20  
3200   30  36  36  32  29  27  25  21  20
3600   30  36  36  32  29  27  25  21  20
4000   30  40  40  34  28  22  22  20  20
4400   30  40  40  40  33  28  26  24  24
4800   30  40  40  44  36  32  28  26  26

Fuel might look something like this
           20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100
  400  53  61  68  71  74  75  77  77   79        
1600  54  62  69  72  76  77  79  79   80
2000  59  67  73  75  74  75  80  81   83
2400  67  76  80  82  86  86  87  89   89
2800  70  78  82  84  87  88  88  91   93
3200  69  77  82  84  88  84  84  86   90
3600  65  71  80  84  80  84  80  83   84  
4000  60  67  73  75  80  77  78  78   78
4400  55  61  67  70  76  77  77  75   76
4800  54  58  65  68  68  74  75  75   76
5200  54  59  65  68  74  75  75  76   76 

Now also please note this is about, author me, makes no
claim to accuracy, this is about how things seems to be
to me, OK..  
There are other tables involved.  WOT spark added might
be from 0d at low rpm to about 4d at WOT
There are no listed WOT Fuel settings, or adders shown
Again please refer to the tuning notes for further info..
There are in the incoming area..    
This is strickly for educational purposes, for some one
attempted to dial in their own EFI.  They take responsibility
for the accuracy of their actions..  Off-Highway use..
HTH  Bruce     A.K.A.,  Dr Pelican, Dr Pecan, Dr Piecan
                         Dr Goodwrench,  Mr Bestwrench,  Dr
                         Bestwrench, Heyyou, Hey Mister,
                         The guy wearing the Cone Shaped Hat

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