Programming 101 from CSH HQ PART 1

Shannen Durphey shannen at
Fri Mar 27 04:32:21 GMT 1998

Bruce Plecan wrote:
<big snip>

Bruce, I'll help in any way I can.  I think you know a little about my
situation, but I'll be willing to dedicate some time to this.

Once, when talking to Steve Cole, I was told that GM pretty much did
things similarly in different ECMs, even though the code for doing it was
at different addresses.  Like you said, once you figured out one, the
others are relatively easy.  Until, that is, OBDII.

Speaking of OBDII, I've found some compressed calibration files for
electronically reprogrammable vehicles.  Problem is, they seem to be
compressed in some proprietary format.  Every now and again I try to get
at them, but I'm just an amatuer hack.

I'll be watching....


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