Programming 101 page 0
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at
Fri Mar 27 14:47:17 GMT 1998
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Page 0
While awkward, if you have not read page 1 yet do so, now.
Yep, page two is in the draft area.
Today was going to be addresses and what was at those locations.
But, we seem to be having a lack of willingness to do some leg
work, so things are on hold.
The way I had things figured if 4-6 of the software types offered
a hand, and we had 2-4 guys bread board a ecm, then it would
be a cake walk to cover this is a couple days/weeks.
But, since I got just a couple of software types interested, and
no takers on the 747 bench work. Things are going to be real
slow. I want to do this but, for me to bench and verify, and help
with reading it. Well...., I only get so many hours a day.
So rather than get ------- about it, here we go but at a much
slower rate.
Let me explain some things at this point. The 7747 ecm uses
a tiny prom (32K). But, when you print it out it's 4 pages long.
It's alot of numbers/alpha characters. Now if we were to try to
cut down on that, what would someone want to so?.. Well we
know some of it is code, right?. We know some of it is tables,
right?. (Yes, to both). So we need a way to subtract the code
from the tables. Hmmm, well how about if we found two different
but somewhat similiar executions. Well if we compare a 454
pick-up w/a turbo 400, and a SBC with a 700R4 guess what.
All the engine characteristics, and trany characteristics are
different. So we get left with the differences in code to tables.
If you hadn't run over the syty, site, do so now, if you don't have
Java and win95, don't bother. Somehow for this all to make
sense your going to need to thou. Sorry, it's just the way it is.
Any way on to todays, thinking, er strategy?.
If you've been following the threads, you've seen what an issue
timing is. It's very critical for emissions, performance, and
driviability. If you have any doubts look at the early Mopar
systems. It's almost all about timing. I won't comment any further
on that system. So by knowing the above and looking at the
Sy promgrammer, you now have some clues. We need to look
for a map that is the largest, and when we find that then we
know that we are in the table area, and have found the timing
map. Hot dam, ain't that easy?.. Not alot of rocket science
yet, and we half figured things out.. Well not quit so fast.
To be continued.
Bruce Hmm, wonder if rocket scientists wear Cone Shaped
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