Snake oil too??
lkurek at
lkurek at
Fri Mar 27 15:08:09 GMT 1998
Actually, I have a small home porting operation going on the side (2-3
sets of heads a month), and use both Dry Film Lubricants (DFL) and
Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBC) extensively. While I lack the equipment
to determine if the coatings have any real world effects, my
experience has been that they work as theorized. By TBC'ing the
chambers and falve faces, all of the engines I have applied the
copatings to show -0- detonation (this is reading off a knock sensor
using regular pump gas). In fact, a few late model LT1 engines I have
done this for have allowed people to run 11:1 compression with 89-92
octane and no detonation. Also, seems the engines run 10-20 degrees
cooler as well. I suppose the TBC is doing something to keep the heat
in the charge, and not absorb into the engine. The DFL, on the other
hand, seems to work pretty well to decrease wear. I use it in valve
guides on the heads, but a lot of places also put it on piston skirts
(TRW now does this from the factory as an option), bearing shells, and
there is even a version for the cylinder walls. Considering the high
pressure these coatings are supposed to be effective for
me. ONe thing is for sure, the stuff is DEFINATELY bonded to the metal
substrate...unlike 50 type products.
As far as the expert recommendations on this, pick up a copy of either
of David Vizard's books on head porting or engine building...he claims
20-30% increase in power from fully coating pistons and chambers in a
race engine. I wonder if there is a different degree of benefit at low
vs high RPM operation, but the results I have seen speak for
themselves. It doesn't hurt anything at worse, and shows a decent
reduction in detonation sensitivity and more power at best. Why not...
Larry Kurek
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Subject: Snake oil too??
Author: <diy_efi at> at internet
Date: 3/26/98 9:24 PM
Anybody running powdered coatings in their engines, like
heat barrier or DFL? What results have you had?
Any advantages on the street?
What about the ones you apply yourself? Snake oil with
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