Flash! '747 supports MAF

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Fri Mar 27 14:55:05 GMT 1998

From: Ludis Langens <ludis at cruzers.com>
Date: Friday, March 27, 1998 3:17 AM
Subject: Flash! '747 supports MAF

>Someone who poked around the 1227747 circuit board e-mailed me the
>results.  The '747 has a complete MAF input circuit!  Hardwarewise, all
>you need to do is connect a GM MAF to pin B6 of the harness.  Software
>is the only missing part.

By software, in there it must say to use the MAP, vs MAF?.  And
then it would do a fuel calculation rather than look at a VE table
for part throttle?.  Or at this stage are we talking about totally
rewritting the code, and tables?.

>[gotta change my sig]
>               unsigned long BinToBCD(unsigned long i) {unsigned long t;
>Ludis Langens     return i ? (t = BinToBCD(i >> 1), (t << 1) + (i & 1) + 
>ludis at cruzers.com            (t + 858993459 >> 2 & 572662306) * 3) : 0;}

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