Loyal Order of the Cone Shaped Hats (was Programming 101 page 0)

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Fri Mar 27 20:58:39 GMT 1998

From: Steven Ciciora <scicior at uswest.com>
To: diy_efi at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu <diy_efi at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Friday, March 27, 1998 3:44 PM
Subject: Loyal Order of the Cone Shaped Hats (was Programming 101 page 0)

>From: "Bruce Plecan" <nacelp at bright.net>
>Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 09:46:38 -0500
>Subject: Programming 101  page 0
>Bruce Plecan wrote:
>Today was going to be addresses and what was at those locations.
>But, we seem to be having a lack of willingness to do some leg
>work, so things are on hold.
>  But, since I got just a couple of software types interested, and
>no takers on the 747 bench work. Things are going to be real
>slow.  I want to do this but, for me to bench and verify, and help
>with reading it. Well...., I only get so many hours a day.
>  So rather than get ------- about it, here we go but at a much 
>slower rate.  
>Bruce  Hmm, wonder if rocket scientists wear Cone Shaped
>            Hats.......  
>Well, I'm not sure if and where you put me down, but I'm excited. 

I ain't never intended to put any one down!!!!!!!! NEVER, maybe 
a poor attempt at some humor, but never the above

 If I
>can, I'm going to try to get muddy this weekend at the junk yard looking
>for a 747 or two.  Gonna grab as much of the harness as I can, so I can
>fire it up on my bench.  i.e. pots and voltage sources for sensors,
>function generator for rpm, etc.  I don't know what GM cars have a 747
>ecm, so it may take me a while.  Also, I'm not very good at getting good
>prices.  I can only hope for the $50 range.  How much I get charged 

$50 is what I always pay unless I trade for something at a swap meet

>determine how many ecms I buy.  Any one better at it than I am got an
>extra 747 kicking around that they want to sell me? :-)

Wish I had a spare!!.  Had an oportunity to get a 730, and a 165
for the next steps, and I'm wiped out.  Usually I need a core so the
$100 with no core was a deal for me..
>Hey bruce, sounds like you know quite abit.  I'm not sure how we can
>help you.  What are you looking to get out of this that you can't do

Not looking to get anything out of it.  Just I don't get around to well,
for this leg work stuff

>Hoping to get inducted into the Loyal Order of the Cone Shaped Hat...
>Steven Ciciora
Your doing it,  having a bench set-up is great use a tack/dwell meter
and ya can read PWM of the injectors, a V meter, and leds, and ya
got it.  I hope on of the EE types helps with a post for the 555
timers I asked for

Cheers  Bruce

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