Cams timing and all that

Bernie Jacobsen bcjac at
Fri Mar 27 23:07:54 GMT 1998

What about gas mileage?
my interest is to squeeeze as much mpg out of my 454 powered motor home as
possible.  I only run at low RPM's (less than 3K 95% of the time and NEVER
over 4K)

It seems advancing the cam 2 - 3 deg. could be a good idea.   Other than
high rpm, is there a DISadvantage?


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Humphris <r.humphris at>
To: 'Fuel Injection List' <diy_efi at>
Date: Friday, March 27, 1998 9:48 AM
Subject: Cams timing and all that

>Some while back someone wrote that advancing cam timing improved low end
>Now I know that this will result in loss at high end, probably peak
>torque will move down the rev range please could someone confirm this?
>The crux of the matter is this:  I am gonna run my engine at 7.5:1 as I
>want to run silly ammounts of boost.  To help eliminate lag, I was
>thinking of running a whole load of ignition advance, and advancing the
>cam to give me a tractable ammount of low end off boost.  No I know that
>a gain in one area comes with a fall in another... so what pit fall am I
>going to get here?
>Is the engine going to get upset with the cam timing and refuse to rev
>above a certain level? or is there something I just cannot see yet?
>Rob Humphris

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