In car oil refinery, run by EFI.
Clive Apps Techno-Logicals 416 510 0020
clive at
Tue May 5 06:52:54 GMT 1998
> Just so that the guesses can stop coming in (even though it has been
> discovered what I am intending)...
> I intend to build an in car "oil refinery." This may sound like a heap of BS
> to many, but others have researched the possibility, and found it might be
> viable IF it can be controled somehow.
why crack petroleum
there may be another porduct that when cracked produces more useful
energy from the cracking process
CO2 could produce
O2, methane and watse water ( and would be available in the ex)
NH4 could produce H2 and N2O
H2O can produce H2 and O2
Alcohols can produce a variety of compounds
there has to be tons more
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