High MPG

Mike Jones rmjones at cyberhighway.net
Thu May 7 14:28:16 GMT 1998

Check out
http://www.gas-turbines.com/hobby/nye.htm   Even has sound available.

I was on the mailing list for a while -- lots of fun.

The hot ticket right now is so-called micro turbines.  Several companies 
are gearing up to supply the 'distributed generation' market, i.e. a power 
station on the roof of every Burger King.  (Seems like a dumb idea to me, 
but with companies such as Enron pushing the concept it'll likely happen to 
some degree or other.)  These little screamers generate up to 200kw or so 
at about 30% cycle efficiency.  Several of them use air bearings.

The next step in large CTs is steam-cooled components (so called 'G-class' 
technology) which will allow firing temps of 2600 deg. F.  Current 
technology allows 2300 degree firing temps.  Actually, 'current technology' 
 ('F-class) is viewed by many within the industry to be a giant R&D project 
funded by the insurance companies.  When one of the 'F class' machines 
breaks, the insurance companies pay the business interruption claim...

Fuel cells will have a big impact -- A 2.0 MW demonstration project 
recently ended a successful two-year run -- but gas turbines will continue 
to see use in power stations because of the steam production possible from 
the exhaust stream.  My plant, for example, has a total net cycle 
efficiency of about 68% including electricity and steam sold to a potato 

For automotive use gas turbines are clearly a bust due to lousy part-load 
heat rate.  Until fuel cells achieve acceptance, the good old ICE is still 
hard to beat...

Mike J.

Jake Lindeke wrote:

> Have any of you seen those people that make jet engines from turbos?
> One of them used an Air/Oil emulsion for bearing lubrication.  No
> additional modifications were needed for the turbo, but I couldn't see
> this as being all that usable on a car or bike... where would you put the
> compressor?

I made a Turbine Jet, but cant think what you are talking about. Could you 
a picture for us to look at?
--Jake Lindeke
--SOGI South-East Chapter Coordinator

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