Wet Brakes
Peter Jaramaz
pjaramaz at ingenico.com.au
Mon May 11 22:04:50 GMT 1998
Hi All,
From: Frederic Breitwieser
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 1998 8:18 AM
To: diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Wet Brakes
>When the driver felt the brakes begining to fade, he pressed a button on
>the steering wheel so as to switch on all the pumps, a few seconds worth
>of a squirt did the trick.
Honestly, I don't think squirting water onto the brake rotors is the ideal
solution. Someone mentioned this before... most tracks would bark loudly
(if they even allow you to run) if you drop fluids on the track. Its a
nice way to make a big pile-up.
Also keep in mind, spraying glowing red-hot rotors with water is a good way
to fracture them.
The local 5Litre touring cars use water sprayed on the discs to cool the
brakes. Massive discs and 6 pot calipers - you need that for 300kmh :-)
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