How do I reduce ignition noise. (HELP!!)

Chris Vandrachek chrisv at
Tue May 12 08:12:10 GMT 1998

To all in EFT land:
	I have recently designed and built a simple EFT system based on a
Mot. HC12.  All has gone well until now.  I can't keep the MCU from
reseting whenever the ignition fires.  I am only a sophomore EE student so
I don't exactly know where to start.  

Here is a quick outline:
	-The MCU is physically isolated from the coil etc (5ft), but they
	share the same battery.
	-I'm using a standard points ignition...I'd do a electronic, but I
	have to be done by this Friday.  
	-The MCU supply is regulated with only a LM2935 (an automotive
	specific device).  Only a .1 cap on the inputs.
	-It seems that reset occurs most whenever a open arc is present,
	arcing in distributor cap included.
	-The problem is independent of my triggering pulse (from
	coil) I'm guessing it is due to voltage spikes/drops or it is 
	"in the air" (EMF?).

I don't know what to do and I gotta have the done by Friday for a design
competition.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!	
	  Chris Vondrachek
          EE student, University of Portland
  	  chrisv at

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