[Fwd: knowledge on Holley 4Di sizing??]

Ron Tyler dcmckenna at worldnet.att.net
Tue May 19 00:34:57 GMT 1998

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Can you guy's help this gentleman please?
Ron & Stephanie Tyler
'72 LT1/T56 240Z

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Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 21:33:55 -0700
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From: Ross Corrigan <zxv at istar.ca>
Subject: knowledge on Holley 4Di sizing??
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I've come across a slightly used Holley 4Di system complete w/ both the
digital and analogue controls (he started w/ analog & then bought digital).
 It's the 700cfm throttle body w/ 65 lb/hr injectors.  Ideally I'd want the
650 system w/ 45lb/hr injectors.  I assume the 700 could be tailored to my
327 in either analog or digital setups ( I can set it up for my 327 ,
5500rpm tops w/o it staying rich etc. is what I'm getting at) ?  (I'd
probably start w/ analog till I found a laptop I could borrow & then go

Some quick calc's w/ 100% VE (for simplicity & max req's, allows for a 350;^)

I need 568 cfm at 6000rpm & w/ a 13:1 mixture 192 lb/hr of fuel,  how many
injectors in the Holley setup? four? then I'd need 192/4=48 lb/hr which is
the 650cfm system?  Am I approaching this correctly at all?  Will the extra
44% capacity of the 65 lb/hr be a detriment, sides the fact it'll work on
any system I goto later like a 383 etc. (sb anyhow)??  This is w/ 100% VE
so can someone lay this out in layman's terms/common sense approach;-)
Thanks in advance...

Its a closed loop, speed density system which means little to me as I've
paid little attention to EFI systems/info etc.  Advantage/disadvantages for
a daily driver for decent power w/ optimum mpg?

It's at 45% below my cost new not counting the extra control setup etc.
Smashing deal IMO for this EFI system that I've heard lots of good
firsthand experiences about (no extra 30lbs the TPI can add..)

So can these injectors run my smaller cfm setup?  And any other feedback on
this unit etc?  I've had no luck finding the <900cfm systems used.  Only
900's seem available cheap/used from draggers to date (like 3-400US seems
common for them).


Ross Corrigan  /  Vancouver, Canada 

  IZCC#255          '80 327ZX  
Edmonton Z-car Club #44,  British Columbia ZCR        
Life's a journey, not a destination..
Enjoy the pitstops and maximize the straights
*New ICQ # 11549358
mailto:zxv at istar.ca
**Brand new "Resto" info/pics on my 280ZX body/mech works on-line**


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