ION-related IGN Comments & Coil Quest

garfield at garfield at
Thu May 28 03:17:45 GMT 1998

On Wed, 27 May 1998 17:32:51 -0700, Chris Rhodin <chris at>

>I think the hardest problem to solve for the ION sensor is going to be 
>overcoming the high-voltage nature of all the components in the system. 
>By this I mean everything is designed to work with several thousand volts 
>applied, so nobody making parts (wires, plugs, connectors) really cares if 
>there is a connection at 80 volts.  There are even sparkplugs out there 
>that have an intentional gap in the body.  And even if you get everything 
>installed and working  you still will be adding a failure mode to the system 
>(if a small gap opens you still get a spark but no ION current will flow).  I'm 
>certain this is why Saab uses those cute coils that connect right to the plug.

Certain, eh? Lucky you.

I can't believe the number of gainsayers in this group. Not particularly
tryna get on your case, Chris. Compared to some comments I've received
both publically and privately, your FUD remarks seem sage in comparison.
You'd think I've transgressed some inner-sanctum boundary to suggest
some of this seemingly "hi-tech" stuff could be done by us mere
"mortals". Yet, in contrast, all kinds of snake-oil shit passes thru
here TOTALLY unopposed. I don't get it.

I know it's about 3 times the size of my XAviation group, but still,
proportionately I've never taken so much shit and sour grapes from such
a bunch of otherwise supposedly intrepid wrench-monkeys. Geez Louise.
All I can say is the lot of you gloomNdoomers would NEVER make it in our
eXperimental Aviation group. The last guy that pissedNmoaned like this
was drummed out over a year ago. Sheesh.

Now, look. If you've followed the thread sufficiently to evoke these
thots of "will it ever work?", you'll be able (I hope) to answer the
following question: "What will be the indication that you have ANY 'gap'
in the HV circuit of an ION'eyes'd setup, that wouldn't conduct

Can you answer that? Can anyone? I'll be waiting to see if it's worth my
while to continue on this.

I'll even give the serious-minded a hint/reinforcement. HOW is misfire

Lemme see that at least SOME of you are following this, eh? Otherwise,
I'm about to bid the lot of yous bozos sayonara, and go back to my FlyIn
Cafe, where the company is a little more "eXperimental".


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