ION-related IGN Comments & Coil Quest
Silicon Challenged
expert_not at
Thu May 28 15:57:09 GMT 1998
Gar -
Hang in there buddy. How many "Years" to figure out EGOR?? Remember
that Saab did it butt simple. It works. It's stealable. KISS - and
whatever else you do - totally IGNORE the experts.
Remember, that when you are able to make a working prototype, you will
have totally repudiated thier very reason for existance and thier
justification for megabuck fees. Of course they are going to snipe,
condensend, naysay and niggle you in the fond hope that you will quit
getting close to breaking thier rice bowl.
As for being wrench monkeys, most of the vocal readership on this list
is ME student dweebshit that has never turned a wrench and is still
trying to figure out what a piston does - much less the theory and
working knowlege behind actually making an engine work - ameriKan
education at work.
Don't misunderstand me - there is also a lot of good, competent people
who don't say much (spf 1000 still don't block some of the flame's from
above catagories) and wish you well. Some of these are also experts who
have willingly contributed to your efforts. And then there are the rest
of us - just struggling to understand and who quietly appreciate your
All those in favor of keeping Gar going - post a quiet "right on bro"
e-mail to gar. To the dweebshit nay-sayers - a public, heart felt -
Pound Sand!!!!
Long live EGOR and his cute little seeester ION.
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