SBEC scantool: data.

Oleg Gusev oleg at
Mon Nov 9 15:45:48 GMT 1998

Chrysler SBEC : year 1990 ( VIN=L ), 3.0l Mitsu engine ( VIN=3 )

 Timing diagram:

 Txd line:     func             arg
 Rxd line:           func(ack)       arg(ack)   ret_byte
     ----------|-----|----------|----|----------|-----------> Time

 1. function 0x10 - get stored error codes.
    The return seems to be encoded:

    byte_1 byte_2 byte_3 ... byte_N     0x01            Checksum
                                     End marker

   Checksum = $\sum_{i=1}^{N} byte_i$

   Byte->error_code procedure is unclear.

 2. function 0x17 - clear stored error codes.
 3. function 0x13 - run test.

    argument   |    Name
     0x01           ?
     0x02           not used
     0x03           not used
     0x04           injectors 1 & 2
     0x05           injectors 3 & 4
     0x06           injectors 5 & 6
     0x07           AIS
     0x08           radiator fan
     0x09           ?
     0x0a           ASD relay
     0x0b           Canister purge sol.
     0x0c           cruise sol.
     0x0d           ?
     0x0e           ?
     0x0f           not used
     0x10           EGR sol.
     0x11           not used
     0x12           not used
     0x13           not used
     0x14           all relays and sol.
     0x15+          not used

 4. function 0x14 - get sensor data.

    argument   |    Name      |    Units      |  How to decode.
     0x01        Battery temp.     Volts         ?
     0x02        O2 sensor         Volts         ?
     0x03        not used
     0x04        not used
     0x05        Coolant temp.     Deg. Cels.    ret_byte-128
     0x06        Coolant temp.     Volts         ?
     0x07        TPS               Volts         ?
     0x08        TPS min.          Volts         ?
     0x09        not used
     0x0a        Battery volt.     Volts         ?
     0x0b        MAP               KPascals      ?
     0x0c        AIS position      Number        ret_byte
     0x0d        not used
     0x0e        ?                 ?             ?
     0x0f        Normal air press. KPascals      ?
     0x10        not used
     0x11        RPM               RPM           ret_byte*32
     0x12        not used
     0x13        not used
     0x14        not used
     0x15        spark advance     Deg           ret_byte/2
     ...         not used
     0x1d        cruise speed      KPH           ?
     0x24        ?                 ?             ?
     0x40        MAP               Volts         ?
     0x41        speed             KPH           ret_byte/2*1.6
     0x42        O2 sensor         ?             ?
     0x46        TPS               %             ?
     0x47        spark advance?    Deg           ret_byte/2
     0x48+       not used

5. function 0x1a - get switch/relay/solenoid data.

    argument   |    Name      |  How to decode.
    0x01         Switches       Bits in ret_code:
                                1 - P/N
                                2 - resume ( cruise )
                                3 - brake pedal
                                4 - on/off ( cruise )
                                5 - ?
                                6 - set ( cruise )
                                7 - ?
                                8 - ?

    0x02         Solenoids?     Bits in ret_code:
                                1 - ?
                                2 - ?
                                3 - ?
                                4 - ?
                                5 - ?
                                6 - EGR
                                7 - ?
                                8 - ?
    0x03         Relays?        Bits in ret_code:
                                1 - ?
                                2 - ?
                                3 - ?
                                4 - ?
                                5 - ASD
                                6 - radiator fan
                                7 - canister purge
                                8 - ?

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