CarPROM software ???

Greg Hermann bearbvd at
Tue Nov 10 15:20:30 GMT 1998

>So, unless the address information is on the installers
>forum and I'm given access to that forum by Tuesday
>morning, I'm sending the shit back and demanding a FULL
>refund.  None of this "20% restocking fee" bullshit.
>At this point I would consider suing them for fraud,
>even if it costs more than I could ever hope to recover.
> I'd do it for the sheer satisfaction.


Another, far less expensive option might be to have a chat with your local
postmaster about mail fraud if you got this junk, and advertising for it,
through  the US mail. Postal inspectors can be about as rude as "civil"
attorneys, and they are FREE if you can get the postmaster on you side.
They really take serious exception to junk by mail (as opposed to junk
mail, which, unfortunately is a profit center for them!


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