EFI Please????

Jerry Wills jwills at ISI.EDU
Thu Nov 12 21:44:51 GMT 1998

Terry_Sare at dell.com writes:

> Haven't been on the list long have you? If you search the archives, you will
> find things like radar detectors and major flame wars over the last couple
> of years. However, if you delete the fluff, what's left is good education on
> all aspects of the automotive arena. May not be directly applicable to your
> application but the mechanical theory and/or process that underlies the
> discussions may get you to thinken about your application. 
> In summary: Patience and the delete key work well.
> Terry Sare
> (who dont know squat about automobiles systems but reads all the email
> anyway)
I tried to keep this responces private but NO!!!! you may read all the msgs
but what do you do when I ask that you 'send msg to me jwills at isi.edu and 
I'll post a single msg with the results.' you post to everyone and I'm doing 
same in hope that others will respond properly and only send EMAIL TO ME

jwills at isi.edu

Just because people flamed before doesn't make it less stupid now, in fact 
I think it is more so. 

I do see the point of comparing mechanical layouts to differing bins or 
control strategies as useful info but not the stuff that you can buy for
$10-20 and get the Big-Block history and have it as reference material for
later use. I have ~12' of books just of automotive based reference books
and then the manuals I've kept and collected. Some of them don't even
agree on similar points but visual and good measuring usually sorts
the wheat from the chaff.

Jerry Wills

PS   "MY" current archive has over 17000 msgs just from this list and I think
	I can find some more if I dig deeper, just a short timer? Think again.

PSS I always throw out my junk snail mail at home, but i know where the junk is
	comming from this time and people sign up for the signal not the noise
	and its our choice to let it pass or not. I know that it all can't be
	signal but if you must maybe a personal note to the author only would
	satisfy your craving to post.All signal would be to dry, people don't be 
	scared just some common sense please.

	Thank you for reading it all if you made it this far. I didn't wish it 
	to be so long but here we are.

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