[Re: 7730 to 7749]
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at bright.net
Tue Nov 17 07:33:40 GMT 1998
-----Original Message-----
From: tedscj at usa.net <tedscj at usa.net>
To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu <diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 1998 1:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Re: 7730 to 7749]
If you want to use the 730 memcal in a 749, after comparing pinouts
that might work, but there can be conflicts. The 1227749 has used both
128+256K proms, but will your 730 memcal work, no guarantees. GM, does
reserve the right to vary things, so at one
time things might look one way, but when you buy a remanufactured ecm it may
vary. It by the same token might plug right in, just be
open to things varing from printed matter.
>Yes a 6cyl,MAP 730 Memcal in a 749 (just for now to get the car up >and
>The 730 ECM in my car died, so I'm going to have to buy a new >ECM either
way, so I was hoping the 730 Memcal that I have would >work in the 749. I
would just be replacing my 730 with a 749. >Everything else, Memcal,
sensors, harness, etc. would be the >same.
>The reason I thought this might be possible is that according to >some
posts in the archives, the 749 and 730 are IDENTICAL >except for an extra
mosfet driver in the 749. Also someone said >they got a Promgrammer bin to
work in their 730 (I don't know the application) by loading it above ffff.
Except from what I can
>tell (I don't know much about programming) the bins don't even go >that
high. So I don't understand that one.
They can go that high and higher
>Long term, I'd like to get the 749 working with the 730 code (for the >DIS)
and 749 data (from the Promgrammer), and a 2MAP sensor >of course! (for
turbocharging purposes!).
Promgrammer works with/on a certain program, with a certain
set of switches, options, and tables (for the 749). You can't readily
mix your existing 730 program with that. There probably is an
option on the 749 for inverting the Distributor pulse for DIS, but
you'd have to find that.
>But I guess for now, I'll just break down and buy another replacement 730.
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