I'm scanning my 95 GM PCM!

Dave Hempstead dave_hempstead at hp.com
Wed Nov 18 14:16:51 GMT 1998

Hi everyone,
    Well I've got my scanner software and hardware running.  I am able
to scan (and log) my 95 PCM, programmed as an F-body vehicle through my
ALDL connector.

    First I want to thank those who provided invaluable help.  I
couldn't have built this without them: 
    David Cooley for pointing me to the schematic and sending me
                  his source code.
    John Spears for swapping and programming my PCM, and helping
                me through my trouble spots.
    David Curtis for helping me decode my trouble codes.
    Ken Kelly for listening to my whining and providing suggestions

    Anyway, if others are interested in this program, I can send out an
exe file, or if you are bold, I can zip up the source files and send
them out.  I don't have a web home page so I can't post a web address. 
If people are interested, I could add this to the diy-efi web address
(but I might need instructions how).

    Here is a brief description of this software.  It is a Win32 app, so
it should run fine on Win95, Win98, Win NT.  I'm running it on my laptop
in my garage.

The main window gives a real-time view of a bunch of engine parameters.
The next window down will list the trouble codes it finds.  This window
will scroll if too many codes show up.
The next window down will list the communication errors (if any).
The next window down can (if you enable it) show commands you transmit
to the PCM.
The next window down will show (either in abbreviated form, or in an
extended form) all the messages coming back from the PCM.
The settings menu item will pop up a dialog box.  THe only item you
might want to change here is the 'display comm data' check box.  If you
check this box, you will see lots of data in the lower 2 windows when
you are connected.
The clear dtc's menu item will send the clear dtc command to the PCM, if
you are connected.
The log utility will allow you to log to a file all the communication
between the laptop and the PCM.  This will mimic the lower 2 windows of
the screen.  Note that this will generate a large file if you let it run
The log run menu item will allow you to log to a file a selected few
parameters runing your 'run'.  CUrrently I only log RPM and engine
time.  This log only adds 1 line to the file every 5 seconds, so it will
grow more slowly.
The action menu item allows you to connect or disconnect to the PCM.  

Thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way.  I've got my '96
Impala SS engine running as a 95 Camaro.  It is a nice engine.

Dave Hempstead
dave_hempstead at hp.com

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