Mercruiser 502 dyno run

Espen Hilde mwichstr at
Sun Nov 22 11:48:14 GMT 1998

> > Hi  Espen!.  
> > 
> > You wrote: 
> > > and picked up more hp each time
> > > air fuel ratio was about   13.2-1 at max hp.
 Sorry, the air fuel ratio was computed in the superflow dyno software ,
 using air flow mesurement wersus
 fuel consumtion.A huge alu stack with a propeller inside is calibrated to
 measure air .
 Its possible that the engine is giving more hp at even leaner mix but
 not safe.
 The fuel mix was tested with standard advance (25)max.With a different
 advance maybe an other mix
 will give max hp.
  I dont feel to happy about the way this measuring was done, but this was
 the way they did it at the shop 
 where we did the dyno run. The propeller in the air messurment device cant
 be reacting fast ....
 giving a not reliable reading in the automated runs.
 But that is just my opinion......
 They had a neat little ntk wide ratio box/o2 sensor . this box gave a 0 
 5 volts output witch connected to
 their efi tecnologies boxes could do a automatic fuel calibration.
 We in the diy_efi should join forces and come up with a diy solution like
 this. Forget using a normal o2 sensor . 
 They allso had a programming device who had just two pots and a store
 button .one for fuel and one for 
 ignition advance......(2000usd)(G).......shit......
 Look at :

> > I am interesting in what O2 sensor’s voltage 
> > was  with fuel ratio  13.2-1 and  max hp?
> > 
> > Would you like to e-mail me more dyno data that you’ve obtained.
> I dont have more details at this moment.
> > Sergey Stopov.
 Do anyone have a dyno for sale?
 Espen Hilde

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