Injector control

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Thu Nov 26 15:10:42 GMT 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Hermann <bearbvd at>
To: diy_efi at <diy_efi at>
Date: Thursday, November 26, 1998 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Injector control

>>Hi Greg,
>>A couple of thoughts regarding PW.
>>1). The smaller you make the PW (resolution) the more Processing Power
>>(MIPS) you need in an ECC or it forces the manufacturer to adds an
>>automatic sequencer so as to keep the costs under control.
>>2). Those of us who do performance modifications would like to add
>>larger injectors.  With the low cost ECC's you wrestle with a large
>>minimum PW which complicates idle and emmisions.
>I thought that was what I was trying to say!! Sure, you need more
>processing power and a faster processor to get smaller pw resolution. With
>a bigger injector, you need a shorter pw (higher turndown ratio) to get an
>idle that works. so you go to p&h injectors, but if you do not have fine
>enough pw resolution,  you still do not get decent idle tuning. Like
>anything else, you get to spend more money to do it right!!
>>> Regards, Greg

Wouldn't just using a lower fuel pressure work?.  So as to at least have the
injector fully on?.  Do a rising rate device, rather than a
1:1..   That one Bosch PWM FPR is beginning to sound better
all the time.

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