27c512 chip

Orin Eman orin at wolfenet.com
Wed Oct 7 17:10:37 GMT 1998

> > Please excuse my ignorance but what is a PLCC chip???Otherwise you can
> > get
> > 27c512's from JDR microdevice for 2-3 bucks(15 or more)
> > -Carl Summers

>  Carl:  PLCC is the package (Plastic Leaderless Chip Carrier).

> Wilman: To answer the original question, Digikey has 'em from Fairchild,
> but you'll oay premo for them. Look at Marshall and Future Active
> Electronics. They may have them, but there may be minimum purchases
> involved.

Allied has a few - search on TMS27PC512... looks like they may be
discontinued since they say no back orders - $2 or 3 each.

Newark has them listed too, but their web page isn't responding
at the moment.  Same search, about $1 more than Allied if they
have them in stock.


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