any boaters out there?

MJones rmjones at
Mon Oct 19 15:52:40 GMT 1998

Good advice from all.  One more thing:  The Coasties say that the fuel pump 
shall be mounted on the engine or within 12 inches.  Don't know how they 
handle in-tank pumps, or if they're even allowed.  My guess is that they 
are not.

I added a Holley system to my inboard, and it has worked out very well 
(except for IAC failures).  For the fuel return, (which I see no problem 
with as long as you take the same precautions with it as you do with the 
supply line) I removed the fuel sender flange and installed a 3/8" fitting 
through the flange adjacent to the sender.  Fit perfectly.  Ensured that 
return fuel cannot impinge on the float, in order to keep splash and spray 
to a minimum as well as retain sender accuracy.  I also ran a redundant 
ground wire to the tank in order to eliminate static charge possibility in 
case original wire corrodes and breaks or somehow disconnects.

Mike J.

>>Steve Ravet wrote:

I've seen a couple posts about boats.  I've got a winter boat project on
an 18' in/out ski boat (replace rotted transom).  While it's apart I
might think about ditching the carb and putting TBI EFI in it's place.
It's a mercruiser of some sort.  The swap itself isn't a problem, but
I'm wondering if there are any boat-specific things I should worry about
(like keeping it from blowing up).  Also, I'd welcome any comments about
replacing a transom, although please send those privately.  I'm pretty
new to the whole boat thing, if you couldn't tell.  What's a good TBI
4cyl ECM for a boat?


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