RE return to fuel tank

Tom Sharpe twsharpe at
Tue Oct 27 01:52:39 GMT 1998

Espen Hilde wrote:

> Many good points here!
> ----------
>  control over pump speed following what is going on so as to
>  with the fuel pressure transducer input, the computer could catch

The computer is fast enough to "dead recon" everything except throttle
movement. It should be able to set fuel pressure at any value, anytime. The
only question is how long it takes to effect a pressure change.

>  I think the weak link in the Efi system is
> the acclerations enrichments ,
> and the rather crude covering up of a slow reacting system.A realy fast car
> Is not finished consuming its
> enrichments before its time to change gear, and put a new round of
> enrichments in again.
> I wonder if a calculation done from one trottle position to another ,during
> one cyl. intake stroke would perfom better in a fast car.

Great question... The ECU needs to react to the delta throttle(TPS) for 1-2
cycles, while, at the same time, reacting to the delta in the MAP (PS, how fast
does it react and can you see the intake pulses on a scope?) and the delta in
the fuel pressure as the injectors use more fuel.

I was under the assumption that the O2 sensor could read each exhaust pulse
several times and the ECU calculated an average. I think the same applies to
MAP. I also think that the EFI332 cpu can calculate crankshaft acceleration 60
times per revolution (15 times per 1/2 power stroke... which should provide
input to misfire detection as well as power per pop - - tuning BSFC per

I think the most importand things that we can program (with todays technology)
is the correct analysis of the input sensor values... With a large block learn
table, we should be able to develop the perfect fuel curve... and dead recon
max power, max economy, or a repeatable elapsed time.........

> Why is not engine temperature controlled by ecu? Warm engine for light
> cruise ,cold for wot.Warmer engine at cold outside temp.....
> Thinking loud again.....
> Espen Hilde

  This guy needs help... he has way too many WAIs.

Regards  Tom

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