RE Software for modifying GM TPI Fuel Map

Greg Hermann bearbvd at
Thu Sep 3 02:01:37 GMT 1998

>On Sept 1, Paul said:
>>  Is there software available for modifying the fuel map of a GM type
>> fuel injection system?  Are there any books, articles etc discribing
>how to
>Personally, I find it better to start from scratch and build a new ECU
>from ground up because I do not get boxed in by the limited information
>available.  One could also use some off-the-shelf industrial
>microcontroller with your choice of CPU and full documentation.
>Wouldnt it be great if we could actually review the software source
>codes for those GM boxes? Likewise, I think it takes too much trouble to
>decompile the firmware to produce the source code.  Whaa?  The guy just
>wants to change a carburetor, and we are talking software??  Sometimes,
>I miss the good old days when we had a collection of main jets for a
>alex samson
Doncha know it's all a plot by the EPA to weld all of our hoods shut??
Hillary's been holding secret hearings on it for three years now (with Al
in second chair muttering "the ice is melting, the ice is melting!". Cuz
she's been so busy with it, that's why Bill had to seek comfort in Monica's
lips. We, the only ones who know how to circumvent their wiles, should
consider ourselves "La Resistance"!!!!

Regards, Greg

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