Picoscope Software -- recommendation
am018 at post.almac.co.uk
Thu Sep 10 13:36:25 GMT 1998
As I was buying for the software I went for the cheapest the ADC 10 with
Picoscope --- mine must have been older stock as they now supply Pico Log
I don't know what chip they are using in the 12 bit convertors but the low
end ones use the TL548. The accuracy on the 12 bit scopes isn't much better
than the low end ones --- the reapeatability is 12bit +- 4lsb as opposed to
8 bits +-1 lsb. I use the software both with the supplied convertor and a
home built one. The higher end units have the advantage of a standard 1
M.ohmm impedance.
I use a home brew op amp signal conditoner which gives 1 M ohmm input
impedance so I can use standard 10x probes -- I have also built in
attenuation to amp giving selectable 2x and 4x scales. I used and AD622 op
amp because it was designed for easy of use with a minimum of external
components --- one external standard value ressistor across 2 pins sets the
gain. I have connect up the gain pins through a switch to gives gains of 1,2
and a variable of 3 to 20. (if anbody is interested in a real simple starter
project I'll draw up the plans).
I like the software -- I downloaded the demo from the web sight and found it
easy to use - the only fault I find is that for my application it would be
good to be able to re-label the Y axis as it can only show scale labels for
the standard voltage range for the convertor.
Regards Andy MacFadyen
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