Schematic help

Frederic Breitwieser frederic.breitwieser at
Tue Sep 15 11:09:06 GMT 1998

Hey Joe,

>1) There are some resistances called out in the format 4k7.  Does that mean
>4.7 k?

This is simply a simplified way of identifying values, they do it with
capacitors also, basically because when copying a schematic (or plotting it
very small) sometimes the little "." disappears.  4k7 is in fact 4.7k ohms.

>B) There are transistors called out as 2n222a.  Is that really PN222A?  Can
>PN222A's be used instead of 2N222A?

2N2222A and PN2222A are "direct" replacements, good to about 800ma of
current capacity.  Its a generic run of the mill transistor, typically used
in small radio amplifiers, blinking LEDs, and that sorta thing.  Its not a
fast transistor by any means, but its kinda "universal" in the sense that a
lot of projects I've seen in books seem to use them.

What is the schematic of ?


Frederic Breitwieser
Bridgeport, CT 06606

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