D-jet, 68HC11 disassembler

Mike Morrin mikem at southern.co.nz
Mon Sep 28 20:26:17 GMT 1998

At 08:02 am 9/28/98 +0200, Wouter de Waal wrote:
>r.e. Bosch D-jet: See http://users.iafrica.com/w/wr/wrm/d-jet.html for
>the list as published in the Bosch Fuel Injection Systems 1970-1979 Shop
>Manual. Includes 1976-79 Caddy and 71-75 Mercedes. 

Your page, and most texts, neglect the use of D-jet on the Jaguar V12
engines 1975 to 1980.  The ECU was built by Lucas (probably with Bosch
design), and all other components were Bosch with Lucas stickers on them.

I would like to know the interchangeability of the LVDT (vacuum) sensors
between different vehicles which used D-jet.  Were the parts mechanically
different, or was it just a matter of a different setting of the sealed
adjusting screw?



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