GM '86 2.8 Fuel Injected prom re-programming/replacing

Todd Israels israels at MNSi.Net
Mon Apr 19 01:55:30 GMT 1999

At 07:49 PM 4/18/99 -0400, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <AL8001 at>
>To: <diy_efi at>
>Sent: Sunday, April 18, 1999 7:32 PM
>Subject: Re: GM '86 2.8 Fuel Injected prom re-programming/replacing
>89-90 Grand Prix had a 3.1 turbo as an option.  LG5  1227727 ecm
>Bin file at archives
>> You are probably thinking of the Grand Am 2.0   4 cyl turbo.  It used the
>> Sunbird 2.0 over head cam engine. I've never seen a stock turbo 2.8 V6.
>> Harold

	Thanks I knew I had seen it and it was a rare and unusual model

				Todd Israels

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