Jimmy 6-71 blower on a gas engine??

The Punisher punisher454 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 21 05:33:05 GMT 1999

.  He's got access to at least one or more 6-71 (he
>thinks they're 6-71) diesel blower's off Jimmy diesel (crane 
>etc) setups.  He'd love to hear any ideers/feedback on whether 
anyone has
>ever converted one to run on a gas engine (particularly Chevy sb/bb 
but any
>gas setups are of interest) or even thought/looked at doing it.  I"m 
>familiar w/ blowers at all but when he says he could get used 
working ones
>for $100 my ears perked up;^)  
>Any and all info welcome, I"ll print off all feedback for him (he 
>speak email).
>Ross Corrigan  /  Vancouver, Canada 

 Using an actual 6-71 diesel blower is something that is dying at a 
rapid rate for modern blown engines. The main problem will be getting 
the drive, the blower case and rotors are easy to come by. You need 
the end plates, carb adaptor top (probably could make youre own efi 
top), belt tensioner assembly, upper and lower pulleys, intake 
manifold, and a few other goodies.
 You will probably want to rebuild the blower too. If the rotor gap 
between the rotors and case is to sloppy you could end up with a 
blower that wont make very good boost. 

 Keep youre camshaft lobe seperation angle reletivly wide, around 113-
114 degrees. try not to get any tighter than 112 degrees or you are 
going to be pumping boost right out the exhaust. And last but not 
least keep the compression low, anything over 8.5:1 and youre getting 
an effective compression ratio thats through the roof with much boost 
at all.

 If youre not interested in much over 450-475 hp, then you might be 
cheaper and happier with a little weiand mini blower. I seem to 
remember the price being just a little over 1000 last time I looked.

 Hope that helps.
 The Punisher

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