Flame - Not

Clive Apps Techno-Logicals 416 510 0020 clive at problem.tantech.com
Thu Apr 29 14:57:30 GMT 1999

> It wasn't supposed to be a flame - just exasperation at the inability of
> people to understand that what's new and hot - generally is not.  

yeah a lot of that in the auto world
other than the elctronic stuff, and some exotic platics most of the tech is more
 than 50 years old
> Example - name the most modern valve configuration  Overhead Valve, Dual
> Overhead Cam, Valve in block ( flathead )

OHC was around in the 20s
> Correct answer FLATHEAD.  It was evolved to reduce the production costs
> associated with OHV or OHC.  
> Every time you see a "new" engine idea, check with the guy at the patent
> office.  Most likely it was invented during the pre-WW II "racing" era where
> each major power sponsored outrageous prizes to develop the military
> technology needed for the coming war.  And when national survival is at risk,
> it inspires a fantastic spurt of development.  

yes lots of good stuff in the first few indy type cars
> And please don't draw inferences from the "current" implementation of a
> specific technology as to what that technology is capable of.  I know I come

that was a joke dude
I know what all the old stuff is caplable of
a well tuned Weber setup is still about as good as most EFI setups for
both power and economy
> across as cranky and an old pharte at times, but when you small box categorize
> things, you lose the beauty of using something in ways that expand the mind
> and solve the problem eloquently.  

better than a miserable old s**t


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