DIY_EFI Digest V4 #694 Airflow measurement

Carl Summers InTech at
Tue Dec 14 11:20:25 GMT 1999

Hi Chris,
     I'm pretty sure it goes back to the same old thing....compressors,
blowers, swamp coolers were all measured in cubic feet transferred and not
by mass transferred.....pretty tough for the entrepeneurs way back to
explain it any different than this machine can blow 600 cubic feet of air
per still takes a computer to figure the airflow and air
temperature and make a calculation of (supposed)actual grams per second or
lbs per minute....hth's
-Carl Summers

Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 22:38:40 -0600
From: pcs74 <pcs74 at>
Subject: Airflow Measurement


Can someone tell me why cylinder heads, intakes, throttlebodys, etc. etc.
airflow numbers are quoted in CFM? Would it be better if they were given in
lbs/min? Why or why not? I understand why compressors are rated this way
just not why other engine componets are not.

Thanks             Chris Skarzenski       pcs74 at


End of DIY_EFI Digest V4 #694

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