Flash prom module with serial programming

PHXSYS at aol.com PHXSYS at aol.com
Tue Dec 28 19:37:22 GMT 1999


I was wondering if it is feasible to create a surface mount module that 
contains  eeprom or flash and the necessary serial hardware that would plug 
into the standard gm prom socket and allow realtime serial programming of 
fuel/spark serial maps and other data? 

Kind of like the Haltech E-6 serial link with real time programming of maps. 
If not real time  at least it would eliminate the removal of the prom and 
buring a new chip every change.

Technological arts designed the microstamp which is a nice compact module 
with Hc11 and 8 or 32k eeprom and serial programming. It is one place to look 
for concept.

It would make sense to use a small smt eeprom or flash and serial hardware 
and burn away.

Can it be done without major complications?
Has it already been done?

I work in alternate fuels and one of the aftermarket systems uses a module 
that plugs into the prom socket. The oem prom also plugs into the module. It 
has another "alternate fuel" prom on the module and a pigtail wire that 
extends from the module. When 12V is applied to the pig tail the module 
switches to alternate fuel prom. I believe a variation of this would allow 
alot of flexibility for easy programming utilizing flash or eeprom.

What do you think?


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