Electric fuel pressure gauge.

Don.F.Broadus at ucm.com Don.F.Broadus at ucm.com
Fri Feb 5 18:58:57 GMT 1999

The oil pressure sender is a sliding contact on a resistance element so if
you used it in a gas situation and the element failed
the potential for explosion exists. The new sensor is probably intrinsically
safe rated and a transducer type (0-5 volt or 4 to 20 MA)
to reduce the chance of explosion.  My  $.02   Don

> riginal Message-----
> From:	d houlton x0710 [SMTP:tc75918 at hprs9.msc.az.boeing.com]
> Sent:	Friday, February 05, 1999 10:59 AM
> To:	diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Subject:	Electric fuel pressure gauge.
> Anybody seen the new electric fuel pressure gauges from AutoMeter?  The
> white faced UltraLite models?  I'd like to get one for in-cab mounting,
> but they're absurdly expensive.  About $190, while the electric oil    
> pressure gauges are much more reasonable at about $60 maybe? (don't   
> remember for sure) 
> So, anybody know why they're gouging so bad for the fuel gauges?  I
> called and they said something about the sender being different.  Why
> couldn't they just use the oil pressure setup and change the face to
> say "fuel" instead of "oil"?  Is there really any reason you wouldn't
> want to use the oil pressure sender in a fuel line?  They're both
> 0 - 100 psi BTW.
> thanks
> --Dan
> houlster at inficad.com
> http://www.inficad.com/~houlster/Amigo/amigo.htm

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