Parallel Port eprom programmers - suggestions

Todd Israels israels at MNSi.Net
Wed Feb 10 00:26:56 GMT 1999

At 09:53 AM 2/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>  Are there any other
>>  parallel port eprom programers that others have used?
>Well, this is the Do It Yourself list... ;)
>My justification is that my wife will let me "babysit" the new son, and
>tinker with electronics all I want, but I'd get strung up if I spent
>$200 on a programmer... So...
>I'm now rolling my own LPT port programmer. Have the hardware design,
>and have been flowcharting the software (Qbasic, of course!). Uses (2)
>74HC4040 12-bit counter IC's (for addressing), a couple 74175's (latches
>for outputs), a couple 74125's (latches for inputs), a 555 (for the 50
>usec programming pulse), some dip switches, and some voltage regulators.
>I'm building it for 128k and 256k eproms, but it's adaptable. ;) I found
>a design on the 'net, built it, but have had mucho problems with it.
>Hopefully this "adaptation" will fix those problems.
>Hope to have it documented in a couple weeks. I have all the parts, it's
>just a matter of rolling it together. And unlike others, this should
>work on all standard parallel ports. I plan to use an old 8088 Toshiba
>laptop to run it. ;) "The diskless wonder". Anyone got any 3 1/2" 720k
>floppies laying around? (JOKE!)
>Andrew "throwing nickels around like manhole covers - urrrrgh!" M
	What was the design you found on the net and its address?  I am
considering such a project but am at this stage just checking options and
would like to learn from your experince and possibly try your completed
curcuit if it is completely abandoned.  
	Your design sounds interesting but I think I would like more flexibility
in chips I can read and Write than you currently have.  

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