ECM wiring harness help

James Weiler james at
Mon Feb 22 06:56:03 GMT 1999

Most EEC-IV's have both sensors (I realize your's is probably an EEC-V).  
The MAF is the most important sensor there is for this system (next to 
the O2 sensor that is).  The MAP is used only during cranking and at 
WOT.  It's used to correct for changes in atm. press. due to weather 
changes and any changes in altitude you might be experiencing.  The GM 
speed density uses this sensor constantly however and is the most 
important sensor (once again after the O2 sensor).
Hope most of this was accurate to answer all your questions.

On Sun, 21 Feb 1999 Carsonwv at wrote:

> Well, I bought a 97 4.3L Vortech to put into a CJ-7 or an older S-10.  I am
> having difficulty locating a wiring harness for it though.  Getting a computer
> for it is easy enough.  Junk yard wants $80 - $100 for one.  The junk yards I
> have called want $200 - $300 for the wiring harness though.  Would anyone know
> where I could find an inexpensive wiring harness?  Better yet anyone know
> where I can get all of the connectors to make my own?  
> Another question I have is do I really need a MAF sensor when it already has a
> MAP sensor?  Unfortunately it did not come with this sensor and I am too cheap
> to buy one.  I have worked on a lot of cars with one or the other, but not
> both.  I noticed that the newer cars are using both. I assume for
> emmisions...???
> Thanks.
> Bill Carson

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