Chemical warfare

Raymond C Drouillard cosmic.ray at
Fri Jan 1 00:11:16 GMT 1999

Um... Mr Breitwieser?  Are you the type who likes to put old CDs in the
microwave for ten seconds or so?  Did you ever make Estes rockets when
you were a kid?  Do you still do it?  (I can't wait until my son gets old
enough!)  How about a bit of dry ice in a two liter soft drink (pop,
soda, whatever you call it wherever you live) bottle?  How about a high
powered rifle and a plastic milkjug full of water?  Bubble acetylene
through silver nitrate and put the resultant precipitate into someone's
cigarette?  Fill a really lightweight plastic from the cleaners with
natural gas, let it float way up in the air, and ignite it?

I'm beginning to like this list more and more.  Now, If I could only
remember where I saw that web site with even more good ideas.

Ray Drouillard

On Thu, 31 Dec 1998 09:26:03 -0500 Frederic Breitwieser
<frederic.breitwieser at> writes:
>>In my (*ahem*) "spare time" I like to design and build explosives,
>>kind of a hobby left over from earlier years. In particular I
>I have a project for ya...  one of the other lists I run a gent did this
>with amusing success:
>1 metal bucket, with a few inches of deisel fuel in the bottom
>1 hefty bag of packing peanuts
>slowly dissolve the packing peanuts into the bucket, until you have no
>peanuts.  Leave overnight, and you should have a solid block of smelly
>Dump bucket over, placing solid gook on driveway, stick a papertowel
>underneath, light papertowel :)
>You have just made a basic solid fuel.  I tried this, its fun !!!!!!
>Frederic Breitwieser
>Bridgeport, CT 06606

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