Has anyone looked at this

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Fri Jan 1 23:16:03 GMT 1999

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Fenske <pfenske at bcit.bc.ca>
To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu <diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Friday, January 01, 1999 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: Has anyone looked at this

OK, what's the M0 M1 decode, 
I was working with a memcal from a 89 F-Body 1227165 ecm.
My head hurts, just wish it was from the bubbly.  
Bruce      M Stewart failed to show for X-Mas, New Years Eve, and
              New Year's Day she just might find herself off the CSH. HQ
              auto invite list..............      

>APPY NEUVE YAR ( My head still hurts but )
>Gm ecms(ECU) read time in ticks between ref pulses. The time between
>ref pulses for a 4 cyl is twice as long as for a V8.
>So for a 4 cyl we scale by ($80/256) for a V6 by ($C0/256)
>This gives up the same ticks/rpm we would get for a V8 application
>So we can use the same code..
>Tell Bruce to make sure the M0 M1 decode is right for the
>calpak used.
> Subject: Re: Has anyone looked at this                       
>pfenske at bcit.bc.ca writes:
>>  To set the cy select insert $00 not FF for V8
>>  This allows the code to bypass the scaling
> I'm always getting in over my head..
>Uh, what is this scaling you write about??
>Please tell me more..
>Mike V

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