EFI on a Dodge 318

Bill the arcstarter arcstarter at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 3 02:42:12 GMT 1999

Peter Fenske wrote:

>Trannys cont.
>Had a 833 apart when young. Did  manage to get it back together
>The trick was to fab a dummy shaft so to fit the counter shaft into 
>the case. The dummy shaft needs to be a few thou less in dia
>so it will slip out the back whilst you put in the shaft from the 

Yea, thats what the guys down at the shop suggested.  One guy had a 
piece of (!) broomhandle which he claimed was workable in a bind...

>Mucho better than trying to use grease to put in the counter
>shaft bearings. The darn things always fall out

One guy used floorwax to retain the needles.  To each his own.

>Oh yes Mopar Perf has a special pilot bushing just for auto.
>No machining needed.

Oh?  I was told the auto-only motors had no hole at all - ie - the pilot 
journal on the input shaft would hit the end of the crank where the hole 
should be.

But I could be wrong on this.  I haven't seen an auto-only crank.  The 
one I pulled off of an auto had the proper pilot hole.  A bit of 
de-rusting, a new pilot bushing and all was well.


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