Haltech E6GM

Charles Brooks cbrooks1 at mail.tqci.net
Sat Jan 16 01:22:50 GMT 1999

Is the E6GM capable of 500 RPM resolution? It's hard to tell
from the Haltech page, and the post in the archives didn't
elaborate. If so then I don't see any problem for my
application. Hhmm, seems like I'm trying to talk myself into
the Haltech unit, A 500 dollar difference is a persuasive
argument  :)

Charles Brooks

Bruce Plecan wrote:
> 1,000 rpm for a 12,000 rpm capacity calibration, 500 rpm resolution for a
> 6,000 rpm calibation.  Meaning no correction over 6,000 rpm not
> that the ecm wouldn't work at higher speeds.
> Bruce

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