555 EFI
Mike Morrin
mikem at southern.co.nz
Sat Jan 16 20:59:10 GMT 1999
At 11:00 am 1/16/99 -0800, thergen at svn.net wrote:
>Okay, who's gonna be the first one to say it would be easiear to skip all
>the op-amps and use a PIC and some code? ;)
Well I'll be second...
Actually, I have been musing with the idea of using multiple PICs, each
with a subset of the funnctionality of the ECU, one doing crank position
sensing, one doing injection pulse width calculation, one timing and
driving the injectors (and similar for ignition).
The trick being to ensure that each device is only doing one time-critical
task, so that the worst case timing can be kept under control.
OTOH, you could just program an 8 pin PIC to behave like an "ideal" 555
with whatever charactoristics you want...
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