Another Non EFI Question
Greg Hermann
bearbvd at
Sat Jan 23 00:10:11 GMT 1999
>Hi All
>Hate to ask you another non efi guestion but
>on a dana 44 if when replacing a gear set
>The replacement pinion is stamped +0
>which is replacing a pinion stamped +1
>This means I need a shim which is +1 thou
>Question is the pattern gonna be off significantly
>if I use the old shim.
But if you are using a new inner pinion bearing, as you should, it might be
more than one thou off. Lotsa folks don't realize it, but the end to end
height of std. tolerance Timken type tapered roller bearings (inner race at
one end to outer race at the other end) varies about .008"! You will need
to reset the pinion depth to have it right. IIRC, the +.001 means to add
.001" to the standard pinion depth in the housing, as measured from the
centerline of the carrier bearings (the parting line of the carrier bearing
caps). So a +1 pinion replacing a 0 MIGHT require .001" LESS shim IF the
new bearing were the same height as the old one. Again, IIRC, the standard
pinion depth dimension for a Dana 44 is 2.625"---BUT CHECK ME ON ALL OF
Regards, Greg
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