Love This
Shannen Durphey
shannen at
Fri Jan 29 23:08:58 GMT 1999
Greg Hermann wrote:
> >Does anybody use a PWM fuel pressure regulator? Or know more about the
> >part referenced here?
> >;lines=6114-6151
> >
> > How about the aftermarket systems that come with tc/sc? It just
> >seems funny to me to use mechanical regulators and vary pump speed,
> >instead of maintaining constant pump speed/volume and adjusting
> >regulated pressure. It seems so simple, and no one does it, that
> >there must be a "catch".
> >
> >Shannen
> By now you prolly read my post on the subject. If you're doing nothing
> else, put a #$%ing float vent on the high point of the rails. This will
> cure vapor in the rails INSTANTLY!! And pump control in combo with a good
> PR WILL give more accurate control. Variable pumping WILL work alone, but
> not as well as in combo with a regulator (set up with pri/sec control). But
> if you are doing variable pumping alone, for $#% sakes, use a float vent on
> the rails, so as to get the #$#% bubbles back to the tank!!!
> Regards, Greg
I don't disagree. Besides, doing so might bring about another
symbolic reply. ; )
I just wondered why I haven't seen any electronic pressure regulators
under PW control. Automotive fuel pumps seem like a great place for
variables to accumulate, machined solenoids seem more accurate. If
fuel injectors can be made, something similar should be possible as an
inline valve. So why make circuits to control high current pump
rather than inline valve?
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